Mix An Match 60$ Flower Digital Art

  1. This is the package where you either get a 14mb digital art of two different 60$ strains or you can get a 28mb digital art of four different 60$ strain. In Checkout under notes is where you will write the strains you want. You will receive a thumb drive with a digital art of Mix A Match of your choice Digital Art. With your purchase of this digital art you may receive a real life gift sample of your digital art to enjoy while viewing your incredible high quality digital art.

If you choose 14mb then you get to pick two different 7mb from 60$ Flower Digital Art to complete the 14mb digital art. If you choose 28mb then you get to pick 4 different 7mb from 60$ Flower Digital Art. In Checkout under notes you will write the ones you want for your mix an match digital art.
